Your Source for Insight into STOPPING the Rosemount Storage Project, Restoring the Uptown Village,
and PROTECTING Our Neighborhood
The Rosemount Storage Project
Cathedral City Civic Center - Council Chambers
68-700 Avenida Lalo Guerrero, Cathedral City, CA 92234
Bring your neighbors
Numbers persuade the Councilmembers
Frequently Asked Questions
1 Current Zoning
2 Proposed Zoning
3 Sufficient Open Space
4 Existing Storage Buildings
5 Uptown Village Design
6 Heritage Park View Blocked
7 Lights Affecting Heritage Park
8 Alley
9 Speed Bumps
10 Speeding and Homeless Encampments
11 What can you do
Link to Specific Plan 99-58 pdf
Link to Specific Plan 99-58A pdf

1 | What is the Current Zoning for the Property?
PERMITTED USES Shopping: A. Bakery-bagel shop B. Beauty/barber shop C. Coffee shop, cafes, restaurants D. Apparel, shoes, fabric, clothing, dry goods E. Florist, gift, candy, camera, magazine newsstand, craft, art galleries, jewelry F. Groceries, specialty foods G. Hardware, variety, drug, pharmacy, office supplies H. Video, music, stationery, cards, film, art supplies, books I. Sporting goods, bikes J. Small appliance, electronic sales Services: K. Dry cleaners, laundry, Laundromat L. Tailor, shoe repair M. Computer, data processing, mailing sales and services N. Medical, dental, counseling, health services O. Repair shops, key/lock, small appliance, electronics P. Banks, ATM Q. Secretarial, messenger, answering, copy-photo, film processing, blueprints R. Animal clinics, veterinarian, grooming, pet store S. Travel agencies Offices and Other: T. Administrative, financial, professional offices U. Artists' studio, design studio, photo studio, interior decorating V. Employment agency W. Laboratory, clinic (medical, dental, health services)
CONDITIONAL USES A. Places of worship, schools, day care facilities B. Private clubs, Iodges, theaters C. Immediate care, convalescent hospital, nursing home D. Public utility structures and public service facilities E. Drive-through facilities (not to exceed three total) F. Fitness and health clubs gyms G. Indoor recreation, arcades, skating, bowling, billiards H. Bars micro-brewery, pubs (not part of grocery store or restaurant) I. Smail equipment or product assembly, mail order processing (not more than 20 employees) J. Other similar uses approved by the Planning Commission
PROHIBITED USES A. Outdoor advertising displays, billboards B. Vehicle service stations, fuel dispensing stations, vehicle repair, lubrication, new and used vehicle sales or service, car washes (self-serve or mechanical), motorized vehicle or equipment rental C. Nurseries or other outdoor sales or storage, recycling collection D. Auctions, wholesale business, WAREHOUSES and STORAGE BUILDINGS E. Second-hand stores, thrift shops F. Any use not listed above as permitted or conditional (Community Development Director may make determination if wording is imprecise).
2 | What is the Proposed Zoning?
The City Planning Commission is recommending all the current zoning listed under #1 of the FAQ’s plus adding the following items: 1. Only one self-storage facility to be permitted in the entire project area. 2. No more than two fast food restaurants to be permitted in the project area. 3. Include sufficient open space to meet the design requirements listed in the Specific Plan Amendment.
August 7, 2024 Planning Commission Minutes
3 | Does the Rosemount Storage Project’s design include sufficient open space to meet the design requirements listed in the Specific Plan or Amendment recommended by the City Planning Commission?
NO. Unless you accept asphalt pavement and concrete curbs as OPEN SPACE, the design DOES NOT include sufficient open space to meet the design requirements listed in the Specific Plan Amendment. The design is simply the same parking lanes and grids presented to the City Planning Commission, which is similar to most Big-Box stores. Below are plans provided by the Rosemount Storage Project’s design team.
Plan #1 Image
Plan #2 Image
4 | Are there other Personal Storage Buildings within the City of Cathedral City?
Yes. There are at least six existing personal storage facilities within the City. Not a single personal storage facility within the City that is located within a first-class shopping center and prominently displayed to the public from a major thoroughfare such as Date Palm Drive. All of the personal storage facilities are located behind and obscured from the public’s view by a retail center or located within an Industrial area. See existing personal storage locations. The Rosemount Storage Project’s attorney stated on August 7, 2024, at the City of Cathedral City Planning Commission meeting, that there already were areas within the City zoned for Personal Storage Buildings. One begs the question, why is the group behind the Rosemount Storage Project not building in one of those areas as opposed to the middle of a planned first class shopping center.
Image of six existing facilities within the City.
5 | What is the planned Uptown Village Design?
The City and Developer HAD planned “an integrated, mixed use village with the pedestrian in scale and character rather being designed for high speed automobile traffic”, known as the Uptown Village. The Village WAS to be composed of a STREETSCAPE that is “an enjoyable and vital pedestrian shopping environment rather than an automobile oriented place, that included store fronts opening onto the pedestrian walkways, with windows and primary entrances visible and accessible from their frontage, clustered to create a continuous concentration for pedestrian interest and activity.” The Village WAS to be composed of PARK-LIKE areas that have “shade producing street trees and other landscaping and amenities such as benches, planters, fountains, lighting and pavement treatment, attractive to pedestrians.” Additionally, the Village STREETSCAPE WAS to consist of “crosswalks, landscape planting circles and other “traffic calming” design features.” See the Uptown Village design. The Rosemount Storage Project will eliminate the Village STREETSCAPE and PARK-LIKE areas, creating traditional parking areas like typical Big-Box stores. The Rosemount Storage Project will consist of a Industrial Storage Building 32-FEET-TALL, the size of TWO-FOOTBALL FIELDS, typically found BEHIND retail centers or in industrial zoned areas. Below is the original Uptown Village developer's webpage:
Original Uptown Village Plan
6 | How will the Rosemount Storage Project affect the adjacent Heritage Park at Cathedral City Retirement Community?
The Rosemount Storage Project will consist of a 32-foot-tall building and 322-feet-long. The view of the San Jacinto Mountains and Wilderness to the west will be completely blocked for a majority of the community. The Rosemount Storage Project’s team stated on August 7, 2024, at the City of Cathedral City Planning Commission meeting, that they reached out and shared the project with the neighborhood through Community Outreach meetings.
7 | How will the lights from the Rosemount Storage Project affect the adjacent Heritage Park at Cathedral City Retirement Community?
Difficult to say because the Rosemount Storage Project does not include any details about the exterior lighting in the plans submitted to the City Planning Commission. Typical wall pack lights will most likely be needed and spaced every 25-30 feet along the back wall, which is adjacent to the Retirement Community. The back wall of the building is 332-feet-long; therefore, there will probably be a minimum of 12-14 wall pack lights that will emit 9,000-13,000 lumens of light each. The lights will be about 30-feet from the Retirement Community. Although the wall pack lights could be designed to limit stray light, the limiting of the light cast would defeat the efforts to provide security to the back of the building to prevent crime and homeless encampments. The choice becomes light into the Retirement Community OR the potential to prevent Crime and Homeless Encampments.
8 | Is there an alley?
YES. The design calls for the creation of a 1,100-foot-long straight alley.
9 | What can be done to reduce speeding issues and homeless encampments?
About the only option to secure the alley, is to place a gate at each end of the alley. At the City Planning Commission meeting on August 7, 2024, the Rosemount Storage Project team members stated they did not think a gate would be permitted. Additionally, the placement of a gate would be a violation of the Uptown Village’s CC&R’s.
10 | Can speed control devices be placed along the length of the alley?
YES. Speed Bumps can be installed but they are typically ineffective for slowing down vehicles on straight roads. Speed Bumps will also create and project noise to the surrounding the neighborhood, as the vehicles go over the bumps. Speed Tables can be utilized in lieu of Speed Bumps; however, Speed Tables present the owners of the Uptown Village with increased liability. Speed Tables are designed to be utilized with meandering streets and other traffic control devices. Speed Tables, in conjunction with long straight roads, allow for higher speeds, that create ramps/jumps that can lead to the loss of control by unsuspecting drivers.
1. Contact the Mayor and City Councilmembers and voice your opposition to the Rosemount Storage Project by email to create a record of your opposition. You can call, but a phone call is not recorded. Mayor Carnevale - Mayor Pro Tem Ross - Councilmember Gutierrez - Councilmember Gregory - Councilmember Lamb - 2. Show up at the City Council meeting on September 11, 2024, at 5:30 pm, and voice you opposition. - It is very difficult for a City Council to ignore a large number of citizens opposed to a proposed project. 3. DO NOTHING and accept an Industrial Storage Building, 32-FEET-TALL, the size of TWO-FOOTBALL FIELDS, typically found BEHIND retail centers or in industrial zoned areas versus the First-Class-Shopping-Center promised to you.